
Online Demo

Contact Blue Devil Data sales staff to arrange an online product demonstration of Data Demon. Then click the link above and you will be connected to our live demo. You will need to get the meeting code from the presenter and the audio can accomplished either online or through your phone. Multiple members of your department can access the meeting at the same time from different locations.


Remote Technical Support

Download and install Team Viewer , free version. Then select remote control and contact Blue Devil Data technical support with your ID and password to allow us to access to your computer remotely.


Fire Department Computerized Management Solutions

Alarm Data Interface operates by first capturing pre-formatted ASCII textual data or XML data from an authorized sender such as a dispatch center. ADI is programmed to recognize the format that your dispatch center's CAD system outputs. Data can be transmitted to ADI by standard dial-up modems, leased line modems, radio or via TCP/IP connections as well as some server polling methods. After ADI receives the transmitted data, it then scans, evaluates and formats the text which is then outputted to printers, e-mail, cellular telephones, fire station LED display boards. The incident information collected by ADI is directly linked to the database within Data Demon Fire Station Software, minimizing data entry, while increasing accuracy. Contact FDCMS for additional information.


FEMA - National Fire Incident Reporting System

NFIRS is the world's largest national database of fire incident information. Approximately 23,000 fire departments report more than 23,000,000 incidents and 1,000,000 fires to NFIRS each year.

© Blue Devil Data

Don Nichols: 315-382-3542

Kevin Speers: 315-857-5897

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